Saturday, January 1, 2011


"A Jolly Happy Soul"


  1. Hi, Laura Jean--I'm glad to meet another 365 adventurer! In 2009 and 2010, I took a photo a day. No themes, just a photo a day. The first year, I took them with my little point and shoot, I altered them in PhotoShop Elements and then posted both photos on the blog. Exhausting! Last year, I took a photo a day with my iPhone. My ONE word of adivse it (well, three words...) STICK WITH IT!!! There will be days you are too tired and days when you think there is absolutely nothing you can see that would be worth the time and effort. Do it anyway. In the end, you will have a visual record of a year in your life (as the ad says, PRICELESS); and your eyes will have been opened to all that is beautiful, interesting or in some ways visually arresting. It's worth every moment spent.

    And you now have a follower!

  2. Laura, I agree that the experience will be worth it. We'll have fun!

  3. Thank you, both! I was a little skeptical about doing a blog, as I wasn't sure Id have any followers. Pass it along!
